Loiano - Astronomical Observatory

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SP65, 40050 Loiano BO, Italia

Visite diurne ai telescopi sono effettuate in tutto il periodo dell'anno, sia per gruppi che per scolaresche solo su prenotazione tel. 051 2095753, info@sofosdivulgazionedellascienza.it

The idea of building a branch of the Observatory of Bologna outside the city centre was conceived at the beginning of the last century.

In that period, the negative impact of the city's increasing lighting on astronomical observations and studies was starting to manifest itself, as such observations required darker skies and a high level of contrast.

In 1930, Prof. Horn d'Arturo (who succeeded Rajna as director of Observatory in 1921) began negotiations with the company Carl Zeiss Jena for the construction of a reflecting telescope with a mirror having a usable diameter of 60 cm.

It took two years to construct the instrument, which arrived in Bologna in 1993, enclosed in nine crates weighing a total of 6 thousand kg.

Meanwhile, the choice of a site on which to install the instrument was becoming an increasingly urgent problem.

After Monte Stanco, in the municipality of Grizzana, was ruled out because difficult to reach, and various surveys had been conducted on other Apennine peaks in the province of Bologna, the choice fell on Monte Orzale, where the University Administration bought two hectares, including the summit.

The new Station was successfully inaugurated on 15 November 1936.

The 60 cm telescope was an excellent instrument for its time, particularly by virtue of the quality of the optics, and enabled good observatory work to be carried out for over two decades.

However, the continuation and development of observational activity eventually required the installation of a more powerful and versatile instrument.

It was thus decided to construct a new dome to house a new telescope with a diameter of 150 cm. About 15 times more powerful than the old 60 cm one, it was capable of photographing an extremely vast field.

Inaugurated in 1976, it was named after the most prestigious astronomer who had worked in Bologna in the past: Gian Domenico Cassini.

At present the observatory station of Loiano, part of the Astronomy Department of the University of Bologna, is managed by Astronomical Observatory of Bologna: both institutions have their headquarters in Palazzo Poggi, Via Zamboni 33, Bologna, in the 18th century Torre della Specola, a site of research, teaching and administrative activities.

Two optical telescopes are installed in Loiano; these are the observatory instruments used by astronomers from both Bologna and abroad and the station is also an activity centre.

Parco delle Stelle, Loiano : Visits to the Loiano telescopes and guide to night-time sky viewing.

For further information: tel. +39/ 051-6544434

Daytime visits to the telescopes are available year round, for both groups and students, by reservation only: tel. +39/ 051 2095753, info@sofosdivulgazionedellascienza.it


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