Subject: Dispersed buildings
Toponym: Gnazzano
Type: Compound buildings
Municipality: Loiano
Locality: Quinzano
On this site, around the 5th or 6th century, there was probably a fundus ignatianum, that is, a vast landed property belonging to a landowner named Ignatius.
A noteworthy example of mountain architecture, with extensions added to the building over the centuries during its process of evolution.
The earliest part was most likely built as a tower house in the 15th century and then extended in the next century and in following ones.
The central portion has a wide arched entrance framed by stone blocks, the keystone decorated with a coat of arms; on the building portion toward the mountain side, we can still see the form of a 16th-century window with posts and architrave, filled in with masonry, above an arch made of stone blocks, perhaps a relieving arch rather than a door.
The different transformations that this building, like so many others, underwent over the centuries makes an exact reading of the features of this architecture very difficult.