Subject: Religious buildings
Toponym: SS. Michele Arcangelo e Cristoforo
Type: Church
Municipality: Monterenzio
Locality: Sassuno
In 1300, the Church of SS. Michele Arcangelo e Cristoforo was referred to solely by the name S. Cristoforo; the other was added only in 1735 with the unification of the parish of S. Michele Francinatico.
It had a baptistery added in 1738, was restored in the mid 18th century and then again in 1835, and rebuilt in 1896; the bell tower of 1796 remains.
Precisely in the base of the bell tower there is a large squared block of white marble, reused, which is thought to have been taken from a monumental Roman structure or the former city of Claterna, or from a nearby pagan sanctuary dedicated to the worship of springs.
The church also houses a surviving gypsum image of the Miraculous Madonna, originating from the destroyed Oratory of S. Anna.