Subject: Dispersed buildings
Toponym: Il Poggio
Type: Compound buildings
Municipality: Monterenzio
Locality: Castelnovo di Bisano
Il Poggio stands on a hill facing the ridge between Zena and Idice and its buildings are datable to between the 14th and 16th centuries.
The oldest building was a tower house with an entrance framed with stone blocks forming an elliptical arch and raised above ground, in accordance with the custom of preventing access by using removable wooden ladders, once a distinctive feature of such buildings.
Other buildings were later added; a second one had an entrance that could be accessed from an outdoor stairway between two building portions (now only one remains), and the door, with stone jambs, is surmounted by an architrave that is nearly triangular in shape; one over another door has the date 1575 engraved in it.
A 14th-century arched door has a keystone bearing an emblem, with what is possibly the letter M carved into it.