Subject: Religious buildings
Toponym: La Torre
Type: Ex-Oratory
Municipality: Pianoro
Locality: La Torre
Of the former complex, only the name remains.
The present oratory, now used for storage, is interesting for the interior arrangement of the two superimposed rooms.
The masonry partially filling the doorway includes four bricks decorated with a profile, perhaps of a friar, specifying a date, 1524, and two pairs of scissors (source: Various Authors, Carta dei Beni Culturali and Naturali della provincia di Bologna, "Map of the Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Province of Bologna", Provincial Authority of Bologna, Edizioni ALFA, Bologna, 1977).
The decorated bricks which fill in the upper part of the arched doorway were probably recovered from another site, or else they are the sign of a tailor who had this as his place of work after it ceased being used as an oratory.
The site of the building is not accessible at present.