Loiano - Fountain - Gorges of Scascoli

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Fondovalle Savena

Subject: Springs and Fountains

Toponym: Gole di Scascoli

Type: Fountain and spring

Municipality: Loiano

Locality: Scascoli


Located on the "Fondovalle Savena", the road running along the Savena river, in proximity to the Gorges of Scascoli, it was created in 1985 by the Bonifica Renana (Reno Valley Land Reclamation Consortium), which tapped a spring whose water is calcic, with a medium mineral content, and characterized by a significant presence of sulphate ions.

Given its low sodium content, the water has a good diuretic effect.

The flow rate varies with the seasons; the average value is 4 litres per minute.


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