Subject: Springs and Fountains
Toponym: Le Costarelle
Type: Spring and Fountain
Municipality: Monghidoro
Locality: S. Andrea Val di Savena
Travelling from Pianoro on the "Fondovalle Savena", the road running along the Savena river, go straight through the 4-way intersection (left for Loiano, right for Monzuno) toward Monghidoro. About two kilometres after the junction, turn right into a narrow road leading to the old village of S. Andrea Val di Savena. Cross it on foot and continue for around 200 metres into the countryside (Via Le Costarelle) until reaching the spring.
The water from the spring, which for a long time represented the water supply source for the entire village of S. Andrea, is calcic, with a medium mineral content, and thus suitable for supplementing the dietary intake of calcium and in low-sodium diets.
The flow rate varies with the seasons, from 7 to 15 litres per minute.