Monghidoro - Spring - Ca' di Fresco - Alpe

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Subject: Springs and Fountains

Toponym: Ca' di Fresco

Type: Spring

Municipality: Monghidoro

Locality: Alpe di Monghidoro


From Monghidoro, take the Futa road (S.P. 65) in the direction of Florence and after passing the intersection with the road for Castel dell'Alpi, turn right into Via S. Pietro.

Keeping to the right, pass through the farmstead of Ca' di Fresco and then turn left; the spring is located 200 metres ahead on the right.

The spring has a flow rate varying from 22 to 25 litres per minute. The water has a low mineral content, with prevalently calcic-bicarbonate characteristics and thus has a diuretic effect, as well as aiding in the elimination of uric acid.

The water is recommended in low-sodium diets.


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