Monghidoro - Spring - Zaccarlina

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Subject: Springs and Fountains

Toponym: Zaccarlina

Type: Spring

Municipality: Monghidoro

Locality: Zaccarlina


Travelling from Pianoro on the "Fondovalle Savena", the road running along the Savena river, go straight through the 4-way intersection (left for Loiano, right for Monzuno) toward Monghidoro. About four kilometres after the junction, turn right into a narrow road leading to the old village of Zaccarlina; the spring is nearby, protected by a small building.

The water is conveyed by a pipe to a fountain further downstream, situated in proximity to the road along the Savena river.

The water is prevalently calcic-bicarbonate, with a medium mineral content, and provides a diuretic action facilitating the elimination of uric acid.

The flow rate varies with the seasons, from 12 to 20 litres per minute.


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